Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines Day

We have a saying around our house, "Where ever you are... be there." No matter what stage of life you are in today: single, dating, or married... be there.  Many times we can go through life wishing that we were somewhere else.  (if we are single, we wish we were dating, if we are dating, we wish we were engaged etc.) What I have learned is that if you are not fully where you are now, you never will be.  Life is meant to be enjoyed, cherished and experienced in the now.  Be here.
Valentines is a day when we celebrate love, so let's take time to enjoy each other- show people that we care about them and make them smile.  Happy Valentines! Love, Baca Creative


Anonymous said...

so true and so good.

Shannon said...

Hey, love the many ideas! I am drooling over the brownies...this diet and exercise thing stinks! Oh, yeah to answer your question my work out is only 1 hour a day so it's really not bad and already have results! Anyway, love your blog...keep the creative stuff up!